
Pine posts can be used for all your fencing, pergola, greenhouse, paddock and landscaping needs. Pine Fencing posts are used as the main supports of a fence, these are embedded into the ground to help give strength. Pine Posts give a starting point/base for your choice of fence. Pine posts are lighter and easier to work with. This is treated with a water-borne preservative called copper chrome arsenate (cca). Treated to H4 which is designed for outside in-ground contact use. This treatment is to prevent decay, borers and termites.



Pine posts can be used for all your fencing, pergola, greenhouse, paddock and landscaping needs. Pine Fencing posts are used as the main supports of a fence, these are embedded into the ground to help give strength. Pine Posts give a starting point/base for your choice of fence. Pine posts are lighter and easier to work with. This is treated with a water-borne preservative called copper chrome arsenate (cca). Treated to H4 which is designed for outside in-ground contact use. This treatment is to prevent decay, borers and termites.


  • We stock 100 x 75 and 100 x 100 pine rough sawn posts with lengths ranging from 1.800 long to 3.600 long.


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